Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wow, what a Surprise!

The past Wednesday (12-12-2007), I went to Chanticleer’s performance with my girl friend Winnie and her husband Lee. Winnie introduced Chanticleer to me last year (2006). We went together and had great time. I was very impressed by the chorus’ seamless voice, which gave me inspiration to write “Harmony”.

This year, I went with expectation that I will hear same classic Christmas carols like last year. To my surprise, Chanticleer changed the style, it was same seamless voice, but more playful, I had so much fun to hear them! When the first half finished, Winnie and I almost said it at same time, “Wow, what a surprise!” The second half of the performance was even better. When chorus finished the last song, the audience applauded long, long time until the actors came out and singed Silent Night. Both Winnie and I noticed that they twisted Silent Night and singed it in a new way.

Walked out, three of us talked about the performance. We wonder what Chanticleer will bring to the concert next year. We decided to make Chanticleer as our tradition, we will go to hear them every year.

It is not easy to always come out something new, Chanticleer did great job. I wish I could do that too. I wish that I could bring my readers excitement every Monday, and make them wonder what I would bring in the next week. It’s long way to reach that goal, I will try my best.

Past Sunday was Ikebana International SF chapter’s annual holiday bazaar – fund raising for the monthly programs. It was free to the public and we had lots of non-ikebana people to attend the event. There were about 15 flower arrangements for drawing. We tried to make them different from traditional ikebana style to attracted general public and gave new feeling to the ikebana folks. On the right was the most popular arrangement.

Enjoy the arrangement and Happy Monday!

In friendship through flowers,
Yirou (以柔).


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